A Resource for ISM Students
Case reports provide a level of evidence for clinical practice. The following case reports were prepared by ISM Series graduates for their ISM certification. Each case is accompanied by at least 3 videos, which may not pertain to the case report, and demonstrate the ability to perform key ISM skills. ISM evolves over time. In 2022 a new format for finding functional unit drivers was established, with the purpose of avoiding the ‘laundry list of findings’ and to expedite the finding of drivers. Stuart Dixon’s report is the first one to reflect this new format. Findings are found in the start screen for ONE UNIT, then immediately compared to findings in the screening task rather than gathering ALL findings for ALL units. Quick screen tests are used to determine IF another unit needs to be assessed at all. When two units are evaluated, drivers are found for each and then prioritized. Please be aware when reading the reports subsequent to Stuart’s of this change if you are preparing to certify.
After your clinical reflection form for finding drivers is completed and approved, your written report can begin. After each submission, clinical reasoning questions will be asked and responded to until a great story evolves!
Ms. L is a 25-year-old college student in NYC who presented to her initial evaluation in 2021 with complaints of “neck pain, painful popping in the throat, chronic daily joint subluxations and dislocations, movement and painful spasms in the throat causing loss of vision and significant...
Read MorePRIVATEMrs. D is a 44-year-old female, who was referred to the clinic for a pelvic floor assessment to determine the relationship to her right hip and pelvic girdle pain. The story of her right hip meaningful complaint first began 11 years prior after Mrs. D’s description of a traumatic delivery.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. CS is a 28 year old female that works as a Licensed Nurse Practitioner at an Extended Care Facility. Her complaints on initial visit were severe soreness over the left shoulder/neck area that started overnight 3 days prior to the assessment with no apparent causation factors.
Read MorePRIVATEEvery once in a while, an ISM Series graduate qualifies for certification simply through the process of the dialogue between us that creates a beautiful ISM clinical reasoning form, without following this with a written case report.
Read MorePRIVATEEvery once in a while, an ISM Series graduate qualifies for certification simply through the process of the dialogue between us that creates a beautiful ISM clinical reasoning form, without following this with a written case report.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. O is a 31 year old female who is moderately active, eats well and sleeps well. She experiences pain after she has worked more than 4 hours or if she completes weighted upper body activities after not doing them for a while. Running also aggravates her symptoms.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. A is a 33 year old female, who presented to clinic on January 10, 2023, reporting pain in her right “sit bone” with workouts. She describes the pain as “nervy”. This pain has been present, on and off, for many years (~10 years), and has worsened recently.
Read MorePRIVATEIn September 2022, Mrs B presented to the clinic for an initial assessment and treatment. She chose to come to the clinic as she was an avid CrossFitter who was a former high level CrossFit master’s athlete. She mentioned it being difficult to find therapists over the years as they would often...
All the reports prior to Stuart Dixon are written in an older format for ISM certification. We no longer collect all the findings in a start screen for all functional Units and then test all these findings in the screening task. We work in one Functional Unit only (chosen according to the story) and find that driver first, then do screening tests to determine if it is necessary to assess other units. If so, drivers are found in those units and then prioritized. This is a much more efficient way to work with ISM and not create that overwhelming laundry list of findings!
Mr B. is a 52-year-old and has been a whole-time Firefighter and a part-time Personal Trainer for the Fire Service since 2005. In 2015, Mr B. first reported left shoulder and left-sided low back pain when wearing Breathing Apparatus (BA) Kit.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. C, a 67-year-old retiree, first presented to the clinic in early 2022. She is an equestrian who has competed internationally and has been training ever since she was a child. She competes specifically in dressage, a form of horseback riding that requires a harmonious demonstration of skills...
Read MorePRIVATEMrs W’s discomfort had been present in the left hip region for many years and worsened with walking, especially when taking longer steps. Mrs W was struck as a pedestrian at 16 years of age and this accident was very traumatic for her.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. Z is a 14 year old female, complaining of left foot medial arch pull and bilateral calf pain while performing sports activities. She experiences pain when she is doing “too much” exercises, especially lunges and push-ups.
Read MorePRIVATEMrs. B, a 56-year-old yoga therapist. She reported that in January she began feeling hot and unwell while travelling aboard an airplane. She fainted and her left orbit struck the flight attendant’s cart. She suffered a concussion and a large contusion to the left side of her face.
Read MorePRIVATEMr. COP is a 29-year-old RCMP officer who presented to the initial assessment with complaints of chronic low back pain and newer onset right hip pain
Read MorePRIVATEMr. B. described a long standing tendency to grip and hold his abdominal muscles throughout the day which began as a strategy to reduce the appearance of a large “tummy”. He described being conscious of this appearance and the use of this gripping strategy for the past 12 years.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. PR was a 59-year-old woman who attended for physiotherapy assessment in spring 2018. She reported that she had a longstanding issue with her hip, and in speaking with a family member who had a similar issue, learned about pelvic floor physiotherapy and wondered if this may help her.
Read MorePRIVATE36 years old woman, Mrs A, comes to physical therapy because of urinary incontinence while running and from time to time in sudden, fast movements. She has had leakage of urine since giving birth in June 2015.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. A is a 42-year-old female with three meaningful complaints. She reported chronic sacral pain, chronic left groin pain and chronic dyspareunia. The reason for presenting to the clinic is that she was 22 weeks pregnant with her first baby at the time and wanted specialized prenatal management of...
Read MorePRIVATEMr. M is a recreational athlete who sought physiotherapy in the fall of 2019 for musculoskeletal issues related to his running. Mr. M noticed that if he started to run more than three times per week, or increased the intensity of his running, he would experience inner thigh tightness on the right...
Read MorePRIVATE: CR came to our clinic self-referred on 5/22/2019. She is a 33-year-old physical therapist from another outpatient facility. The reason for this visit is constant sacrococcygeal pain rated as a constant 5/10 since a fall down a flight of stairs while on a cruise ship two months prior.
Read MorePRIVATEAnthony is a 34 year-old Physical Therapist that comes in with long-standing lower back pain, that initially occurred when he was 10-years old due to a fall onto his back off the monkey bars. At the time, Anthony had excruciating pain and had significant limitations with mobility.
Read MorePRIVATELaura is a physical therapist who is extremely active with both long distance running and rock climbing. Laura reports that she decided to come in for therapy after running a 50 k last week and having a flare up of her chronic left upper thoracic pain.
Read MorePRIVATEMiss B is a 26 year old female who initially presented to Physio Connection on January 23, 2019 with right medial knee pain and swelling. The right knee pain started 3 days earlier when she was at the gym. She was doing a stretching session and twisted her knee as she stood up from the floor.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. D is a 26 year old nulliparous female who came to our clinic in May 2017 for treatment because she was experiencing burning pain with penetrative intercourse. She reports that her symptoms began a few months prior when she and her partner first attempted intercourse.
Read MorePRIVATEMiss A. is a 16 year old competitive dancer with a goal of dancing professionally. She dances in multiple disciplines up to 25 hours per week, but ballet is reportedly her strongest discipline and that which she is most passionate about.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. S is a 60-year-old hand physical therapist who presents with complaints of chronic neck and upper back pain predominately on the right side. Her orthopedic history is a progression of events beginning in her early 20’s.
Read MorePRIVATEMs A is a 45-year-old female. She first presented being concerned about her back. She reported that it was a ‘daily issue’ at present, and recently, was told that she had a spondylolisthesis of her L5 vertebra on S1. She was significantly concerned about this and decided to...
Read MorePRIVATEMrs. O, a 36 year old physiotherapist, complained of a problem of urinary incontinence since 2nd delivery. She has the developmental dysplasia of the hip on both sides. Her doctor didn’t find other thing like arthritis on MR imaging in her both hip joints.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. T is a 55-year-old nurse who has long history of recurrent thorax pain past 15- to 20-years. She remembers her symptoms have been recurrent since teenage, but after her second pregnancy symptoms have started to appear more frequently. She has given birth to two children, both with C-section.
Read MorePRIVATEMrs. A reported her primary concern was chronic lower back pain with left hip and sciatica pain. She reported secondary concerns involving neck and shoulder tension bilaterally with left shoulder pain.
Read MorePRIVATEMs. S is a 60-year-old hand physical therapist who presents with complaints of chronic neck and upper back pain predominately on the right side. Her orthopedic history is a progression of events beginning in her early 20’s.
Clinical Mentorship in the Integrated Systems Model
Join Diane, and her team of highly skilled assistants, on this mentorship journey and immerse yourself in a series of education opportunities that will improve your clinical efficacy for treating the whole person using the updated Integrated Systems Model.
We will come together for 3 sessions of 4 (4.5) days over a period of 6-8 months with lots of practical/clinical time to focus on acquiring the skills and clinical reasoning to put the ISM model into practice. Hours of online lecture and reading material and 12 hours of in-person lecture are...
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